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Only Single Lady

The Only Single Lady

Wait, doesn’t the song go, “All the Single Ladies”? You might ask then, why did I call my blog, The Only Single Lady? I picked this title because, let’s be real, if you are single right now like I am - it feels like you’re the only single person out there! Just a quick heads up, you’re not the only single person, no matter how much it feels like you are! Do you relate to wanting a relationship? I have been really feeling it lately! I think it is because this time of year, with Christmas and New Year’s coming, it seems like the best time for one. Every day I face the struggle, thinking and wishing for a relationship. The wild thing is, I’m not even able to date right now. I still have a two year period of not dating, and yet I am longing for a relationship. Doesn’t that just sound crazy?

So I decided to take a look at this, “Sensational Season of Singleness”, that I am currently in a little bit different. I decided to change my perspective because, I kind of realized a few things things this past weekend. You might think I am a bit crazy, and even want to ask the question, “How can being single be sensational?” I used to ask the exact same question, and wonder why my mom would always tell me that I am in a “Sensational Season of Singleness.” I finely figured it out. It is a sensational season because:

• God’s timing is the best timing

• I can work on being a better me

• I can focus on my First Love

To start out, I always tell myself that God’s timing is the best timing for everything, so that includes relationships; even though I sometimes wish God would work with my time! So since I can’t change the season I am in, the first thing I need to change is my attitude. If I start looking at my season with a positive outlook, the time will start to fly by. Since I’m not worried about a boyfriend and everything that is involved in having one, I have some time to focus on myself in a good way. I know some of you may have heard of girls making a list of all the qualities they would like in their future husband. I have one, and I have filled it out with everything that I could possibly dream of in a future husband. Once I was done making my list, I set my expectations high on those things. Then about a year ago, it kind of hit me. “If my future husband had a list of qualities he was looking for in his future wife, would I be wife material?” This question led me to start reading Proverbs 31, about what it means to be a virtuous woman. From this chapter in the Bible, and from some of my own goals, I made a list of what it takes to be that type of a woman. I know that I have not become everything on the list yet, so in this time of singleness, I decided I can work on becoming the woman of God I am destined to be. Not just for my future husband, but for God. God needs to be my first love, and until I am fully satisfied with Him, I couldn’t be in a healthy relationship.

So this “Season of Singleness” might feel like a bummer deal at times, but in the long run, I know that I can make the most of it. One day I will look back at my season with joy, great memories, and a very strong relationship with God. What about you? Do you want to make the most of your season of singleness with me? Lets start by living differently together, today! If you are interested in this idea, to give you some ideas, I typed out the qualities that I need to work on in order to be better equipped for what God is calling me to do. I challenge you to write out what qualities you need to work on in your season of singleness.

Tessa Houde

Things I need to work on:

• My walk with God - So that I am spiritually equipped for every good work God is calling me to.

• My Servant’s Heart - I need to start by serving others now if I want to serve my husband when I am married.

• My Giving - I need to give of my time, money, and heart so I better start learning how to now.

• My Finances - I need to learn how to have financial peace and start saving!

• My Health - I want to be healthy for whatever God wants me to do. I also want to be healthy for my family of my own.

• My Cooking - I want to be able to provide food for both myself and my family. So, I need to practice now!

I know some of these things might sound funny, but they really are needed for me! If you make a list, I would love to see what else you think we as Godly woman need to do in our “Sensational Season of Singleness!”

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