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Simple Joys

Ok, so the year 2018 is here and if you are anything like me, you are super excited for what it has in store! There are many wonderful things coming up for me this year. For example, graduating high school, moving out, going to college, I have three trips planned, coaching volleyball, and these are just a few of the things I am looking forward to. I honestly am so excited to see what is going to happen this year! But over the past few days, God reminded me of something that is super important. It is ok to look forward to the next exciting thing, but I sure need to keep in mind that the simple joys in life are equally as important. Today I was reminded of the value of little things, simply from hanging out with some preschoolers for about 10 minutes. I was asked to be in a video for my school, and that included me reading a story book to some preschoolers for a little bit. When I was there, I felt such a genuine joy and it was easy to see that I got that joy from the kids. Joy is contagious you know! These sweet little kids were so excited to have someone read a book to them. It was something so simple, but yet it was so exciting. This was such a good reminder for me to enjoy the little things in life. Last week my Bible teacher, Miss. B, played a video for the class. The video showed someone who had decided that instead of making a normal New Years resolution that she would do something different. She decided to find

one good thing that happened in her day, and then to write it down before bed. I never would have thought of this until she showed us the video. After watching it, I decided to do the same thing. The main thing I have noticed is that sometimes at night, I am prone to think only about negative things that have happened to me. But when I stop and think about at least one good thing that happened in my day, then my head starts throwing around everything else good that actually happened. This has helped me get a better perspective on my days! Would you want to join me on this challenge of finding one simple joy each day that will make your 2018 even better? Well then, come with me and lets start living different together!

This is the link to the video Miss. B showed our class!!!

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